Jackie Nelson is one of the most talented female rhythm guitarist/vocalists around and together with her band produce songs perfectly. Jackie has been a professional artist since the age of 18 and has been performing the Pretenders songs for over 20 years. She is also a multi-instrumentalist, song-writer and music teacher. Pete’s passion for drums extends to refurbishing drum kits, including the vintage Sonor Phonic in custom red sparkle that he uses in the band.
Alan Espley is a seasoned bass guitarist/vocalist, who has played in a number of bands covering all genres since the age of 14 and always relishes learning new material. Linda Weaver was born and bred in Liverpool and began playing guitar at the age of 10. She has been a fan of the Pretenders and Chrissie Hynde since 1979 and strives to recreate the Pretenders sound with her collection of vintage pedals and Telecaster guitars.